$$ invested in GESA energy makeovers


Schools receiving energy makeovers


M/W/DSBE project participation


Annual energy savings (GESA 1 and 2)


Ongoing Projects

GESA Projects

SDP采用宾夕法尼亚州的保证节能法案(GESA)进行全面的能源改造.GESA使联邦政府实体能够与能源服务公司(esco)签订合同,在能效项目中使用绩效合同. 该计划的好处是,它允许实体(1)签订节能措施合同,而无需预先分配预算, (2)在项目实施中,将设计和建造组件包装在一起, (3)在最长20年的合同期限内,使用公用事业和运营节省来偿还项目债务. 

As of 2022, 可持续澳博注册网站平台方案已开展了一项全球环境教育试点,并批准了随后的三个阶段的项目,共涉及24所学校. 经批准的GESA试点学区每年保证节省的成本, GESA-1, and GESA-2 projects is nearly $1,000,000. 项目在每个阶段的会议中都达到了很高的M/W/DSBE参与率或超过60%. 



PEA支持该地区开发能源绩效合同试点项目,以展示真正的能源节约, established a scalable model, and is easily replicable across the district. The $23MM pilot project, awarded to NORESCO, 在三所高中平均节省了38%的能源. 索尔农业学校,草莓大厦高中和东北高中. 在这些学校实施的能源效率升级措施包括安装新的锅炉, windows, daylight-controlled lighting, and ventilation units to circulate fresh air into the classrooms. 节能改造每年为该地区节省了超过37.5万美元的能源成本. Construction was substantially complete in 2020.


GESA能源改造的第一个非试点阶段的建设已经完成 , which included three schools: Conwell MS, Gompers ES and Lincoln HS. Johnson Controls, Inc. (JCI) was selected via a public procurement for up to 20 schools. The selected schools will be addressed in 5 phases. JCI must provide an energy performance guarantee, 在项目开发过程中,怎样才能确保节省的能源抵消所产生的债务.

The buildings received significant HVAC, lighting, building envelope and other upgrades, including adding air conditioning at both Conwell and Gompers, 并更新通风系统,以确保健康和安全所需的气流, especially important in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. This phase reflects a roughly $26MM investment.

GESA 1, Phase 2: Energy Makeovers

Construction began on GESA-1, Phase 2 in early 2021. 该阶段包括4所学校:卡内尔ES,威拉德ES,费尔顿维尔艺术学院 & Sciences (6-8) and Juniata Park Academy (K-8). This phase reflects a roughly $23MM investment. As in other schools, improvements will include lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, hazmat remediation and building envelope. Construction is expected to be completed in 2022.

GESA 1, Phase 3: Energy Makeovers

JCI GESA-1项目的第三阶段目前正在Lowell ES进行,包括照明升级和新的锅炉和冷却器. 这一阶段的投资约为1900万美元,预计到2023年底将基本完成.

GESA-2: Energy Makeovers

SDP于2021年发布了第二轮GESA项目(GESA 2)的RFP. It was awarded to The Efficiency Network (TEN.)第一阶段的工作开始于三所学校——玛丽·麦克劳德·白求恩ES、斯拉·比伯和约瑟夫·H. Brown ES–in June 2021, with expected completion in 2023. Project costs will total up to $37MM across the three schools.

GESA-3: Energy Makeovers

The School District of Philadelphia (SDP) was awarded $1.1 billion in ARPA Federal

Funding to address the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. A portion of the funding was

deployed toward safely reopening and sustaining in-person learning. Given the tight


(GESA) model for procurement and project delivery.

In February 2022, SDP发布了一份GESA征求建议书,要求在多达10所学校完成大约1.25亿美元的能效项目 Hackett. Locke, Washington Grover, 富兰克林ES,克莱门特,埃尔伍德,伦道夫,柯克布赖德,赫斯顿,勒斯切-  to improve indoor air quality and comfort. This investment doubles $124MM committed to GESA Projects to date. PEA作为无投票权的审稿人参与了供应商选择过程.

Noresco由委员会选择,并于2022年5月由教育委员会批准. Construction will be completed by September 2024.

PA’s 1st CTE program in Solar and Weatherization

In 2019, PEA was awarded $1.25 million from the U.S. 能源部帮助建立一个新的职业培训项目,重点是针对年轻人的太阳能安装和防风雨技术. 在地区职业与技术教育(CTE)团队的领导下, 该地区获得了州教育部的批准,启动了他们的第一个新的CTE项目, and the first of its kind in PA.

光明太阳能期货CTE项目于2020年秋季在法兰克福高中为10年级学生启动. Students receive 1,080 hours of content between 10th and 12th grade, 使其成为全国同类培训中最先进的太阳能培训. Students receive extensive instruction in solar installation, design, and sales, as well as energy efficiency and weatherization, electrical basics and construction safety. Students graduate with field experience, internships and industry certifications, and will receive job placement support.

有关太阳能培训和光明太阳能期货项目的更多信息: Learn More

Solar Schools Report (2019)

In 2019, with additional funding support from PECO, PEA委托进行了一项研究,以评估在一组公立学校样本上安装太阳能屋顶配置的可行性. 这项研究是由该地区的两位顶级主题专家进行的, Celentano能源服务公司的Ron Celentano和Roger Clark咨询公司的Roger Clark.

该研究分析了2017年和2018年的电费账单,以及4所学校的用电情况. Solar PV roof layouts were designed for each building. The assessment overall usage patterns showed 1,218,投产第一年可发电234千瓦时, 这将为这些学校抵消大约45%的电力消耗.

Since the release of this study, 随着《澳博app》(IRA)下投资税收抵免的恢复和扩大,太阳能项目的经济效益得到了改善。. 对于符合劳动和低收入要求的项目,税收优惠最高可达70%. And though school districts have no tax liability, 他们现在也有资格根据IRA直接支付这些信贷, making this an opportune moment to explore a solar schools pilot.